
In case you want to apply for the available scholarships for winter semester 2024/25 check your eligibility first below. If you are eligible please send your filled and signed application form until July 15, 2024, to

REMENA Scholarship Application Form Winter 2024/25

REMENA Scholarship Application Form WiSe 2024/25

Winter Semester 2024/25

Scholarship Type

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) - Integrated International Degree Programmes with Double Degrees

Eligible Applicants

REMENA students coming from Kassel, Germany, going to Monastir, Tunisia, in the second or third semester

Covered Living Costs

1,225 Euro per month

Travel Subsidy

725 Euro once

Global Health Insurance

35 Euro per month

Tuition Fees

50% reduction (1,250 Euro) for the semester in Tunisia


6 months (1 semester)

Available scholarships


Application Deadline

July 15, 2024

Summer Semester 2025

Scholarship Type

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) - Integrated International Degree Programmes with Double Degrees

Eligible Applicants

REMENA students coming from Monastir, Tunisia, going to Kassel, Germany, in the second or third semester

Covered Living Costs

400 Euro per month

Travel Subsidy

725 Euro once

Tuition Fees

100% reduction (2,500 Euro) for the semester in Germany


6 months (1 semester)

Available scholarships


Application Deadline

January 15, 2025