Accomodation in Kassel
1. Booking a place in the REMENA room contingent:
Finding private accommodation in Kassel can be quite difficult, so we offer a limited number of reserved rooms for our REMENA students within the student dorms. Students should bindingly confirm to us and the Studierendenwerk that they wish to stay in one of these rooms as early as possible, as these rooms follow the first book, first serve principle. The rooms run at ca. 370 € per month and a non-negotiable 6-month contract.
Additonal costs:
- The monthly price of the room excludes a 300 € security deposit. The rooms include a pillow and blanket, but no linen. Starter kits including linen and cutlery can be viewed here, if you do not wish to bring your own bed linen.
- Additional monthly fees include the broadcasting contribution fees that every household in Germany has to pay. They consist of ca. 18.50 € per month.
- Most student dorms (with the exception of 3 locations) only have an Ethernet internet connection instead of wireless internet. Therefore, laptops can only be connected to the internet via cable in the rooms. To ensure a wireless connection in the rooms students will have to lease a router for 50 €, of which 40€ will be reimbursed upon return of the router.
In addition to bindingly confirming to us, students will also still need to apply online for a room with the Studierendenwerk before January 15, 2025.
TODO: As the rooms are given by the "first book, first serve" principle it is highly recommended to send as early as possible
a) the booking request and
b) create an online application in the data-base.
Important: Make sure to reply to the automatic email you will receive at regular intervals asking you whether you are still in need of accommodation. Always click "yes" and stipulate that you still require a room, otherwise your name could be deleted from the list.
2. Other Accomodation:
In case you want to search for private accommodation or a room outside the REMENA room contingent instead you can find information on this website