Project Week in Germany
The project week is an integral part of the Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems. Every pandemic-free year, we invite our students from all over the world to come visit us. Us – that means the University of Kassel as well as the Fraunhofer Institutes IEE (Kassel) and IWES (Bremerhaven). Participants are going to meet teachers and visit laboratories at the university and Fraunhofer Institutes.
Beyond that, we give the participating students the opportunity to experience the famous German Energiewende in person. Within the framework of our last project week, we visited the wind farm Söhrewald on the outskirts of Kassel. Our next stop was Aurich where the human development department of Germanys largest producer of wind turbines – ENERCON – introduced themselves to us before guiding us into the very heart of the company – the production plant.
During our stay in Bremerhaven, we met our colleagues at Fraunhofer IWES who gave us a peak into their wind energy labs and research. They further allowed us to explore their test object – a wind turbine – up close. Afterwards, we visited the museum Klimahaus Bremerhaven where you can experience replica of different climate zones existing along the eighth longitude east.
Our journey ended in Husum where the Husum Wind Fair took place which offered our students another opportunity to connect with industry representatives.
We look forward to meeting you during our next project week!
Benefits at a glance
- connecting with fellow students from around the world
- meet teachers of the University of Kassel, Fraunhofer IEE and Fraunhofer IWES
- explore the most important native places of the Online M.Sc. Wind Energy Systems
- visit different companies in the wind energy sector
- visit one of the biggest wind energy fairs
- earn 3 credit points (key competencies)