Study Wind Energy Online is a full master program designed for natural scientists and engineers who want to learn about the mechanical and electronic operation and interaction of wind turbines. The program was also created for specialists and managers who want to develop or improve the design or individual components of a wind turbine at a wind turbine manufacturer or supplier company. At the end of your studies, you will receive a German degree – a country recognized worldwide for it´s knowledge in wind energy and it´s ambition in driving the development of wind energy forward.

Full Flexibility enables you to educate yourself besides your full-time job – anytime and anywhere in the world. All courses are taught 100% in English and online in virtual classrooms.

You can choose to attend the lecture live or access the recording at a later point. There is no need to visit us for taking an exam, as they take place online as well. Furthermore, you have the flexibility to apply for as many or few courses per semester as you like or even take a semester off whenever you need it.

Woman sitting in front of her laptop by night

Learn from Experts

The entire 120 credit master program is taught by lecturers who are:

Experts talking and standing around wind turbine models

Small Classes

We have small classes (few students per lecturer), meaning you have the opportunity to talk directly to the teacher and ask your questions anytime - during a lecture or at another time via message.

Six students meet in a virtual classroom Diploma Of Advanced Studies (DAS)

In addition to our master program, we offer several diploma courses that allow you to specialize in different aspects of wind energy systems.

All diploma courses consist of five carefully selected modules from the master program. As a diploma student you will study together with the master students and you can change to the master program in October of any year – either in the midst or the end of your diploma studies.



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